
Foundation Profile

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Basic Information

            On January 6, 2022, then principal leader of Hainan Provincial Committee of the CPC went to Wuzhishan Branch of Hainan Tropical Rainforest National Park Administration for research and investigation, stressing the need to thoroughly implement Xi Jinping’s thoughts of ecological civilization, build a national park with high standards and high quality, conduct in-depth research on rainforest and further tap the value of rainforest. He also required establishing a special fund for protection of and research on Hainan tropical rainforest.

            In the spirit of the 18th meeting of the Leading Group for Promoting Construction of Hainan Tropical Rainforest National Park, Hainan Institute of National Park exclusively launched Hainan Green Island Tropical Rainforest Public Welfare Foundation to undertake special research funds for tropical rainforest protection. Registered and approved by Hainan Department of Civil Affairs, Hainan Green Island Rainforest Public Welfare Foundation was officially established on April 11, 2022, operating under the business guidance of the Forestry Department of Hainan Province. The foundation was officially established on April 11, 2022 after being registered and approved by Hainan Department of Civil Affairs. Operating under the business guidance of the Forestry Department of Hainan Province, it has also been granted tax-exempt status following joint review by Hainan Finance Department and Hainan branch of the State Taxation Administration. Starting from 2022 onwards, the Foundation will receive an annual allocation of CNY 40 million from Hainan provincial government for five consecutive years in order to fund research on tropical rainforest protection.


            The Foundation aims to put the concept of ecological civilization into practice, advance ecological protection in Hainan, promote the biodiversity and ecological restoration of tropical rainforest in Hainan, support regional socioeconomic development, and better serve the construction of Hainan ecological civilization pilot zone and Hainan free trade port.

            Business Scope

            1.With promoting the protection and upgrading of island-based tropical rainforest biodiversity as the main objective, we will focus on supporting:

            (1)Protection and restoration oftropical rainforest to restore the integrity, authenticity and diversity of China's unique continental island-based tropical rainforest ecosystem, while enhancing its resilience and balance.

            (2)Conservation of biodiversity in tropical rainforest, including endemic species such as Hainan gibbons, Hainan partridgesand Hainan peacock-pheasants; biodiversity conservation in more than ten Key Biodiversity Areas (KBA); research on forming ecological corridors inside national parks.

            (3) Research on natural solutions to restoring tropical rainforest ecosystems; research on Hainan Red List Categories of Endangered Species; getting a clear picture of the status of biodiversity in Hainan; accelerating the transformation and application of scientific achievements; turning tropical rainforest into an important basis for ecological security in Hainan.   

            2   .Research on bolstering the role oftropical rainforest as important carbon sinks in order to help mitigate climate change.

            3   .Research on the paths to realize the ecological value of tropical rainforest and achieve the goal of “making clean water and green mountains into gold and silver mountains"; research on carbon peaking, carbon neutrality, ecological valuesand green development.

            4  . Buildingan international research networkfor ecological conservation with shared resources and coordinated Build a multi-level cooperation platform that encourages different universities and research institutions to participate in national park construction. 

            5.   Promotingtechnological research and development for ecological restorationand tropical rainforest conservation; establishing a significant brand in these respects.

            6  .Granting funds for domestic and international exchanges&cooperation, popularization of scientific knowledge, and talent development related to tropical rainforest conservation. 

            7  .Undertakingtaskscommissioned by the government.

            8  .Undertakingother projects related to the protection and sustainable development of Hainan tropical rainforest;

            9  .Engagingin other charitable activities that align with the objectives of the Foundation.