
Foundation Profile

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  • 10-24
    参加“猿系你我 守望热带雨林”科普宣教系列活动,并在开幕式上,联合海南省海南长臂猿保护志愿者协会、海口畓榃湿地研究所、山水自然保护中心、海南省蓝丝带海洋环境保护协会、阿拉善SEE自贸岛项目中心、海南国家公园研究院等单位共同发起成立海南生物多样性保护公益联盟。
  • 03-19
    On March 19, 2023, Hainan Green Island Tropical Rainforest Public Welfare Foundation convened the third meeting of its first Council in Haikou, which approved the funding of two projects, including "Research on Carbon Sink Mechanism and Value Realization Paths of Hainan Tropical Rainforest Ecosystem" undertaken by Academician HE Kebin from the Institute for Carbon Neutrality of Tsinghua University, and "Research on Water Ecological Value and Restoration Potential of Hainan Tropical Rainforest" undertaken by Academician YANG Zhifeng from the School of Environment of Beijing Normal University.
  • 01-17
    On January 17, 2023, Hainan Green Island Tropical Rainforest Public Welfare Foundation convened the second meeting of its first Council in Haikou.
  • 10-24
    On October 24, 2022, the first phase of the international symposium on tropical rainforest conservation, with the theme of “Tropical Rainforest Conservation and Ecological Value Realization”, was held in Haikou. This symposium was co-organized by Hainan Institute of National Park, Hainan Tropical Rainforest National Park Administration, People's Government of Wuzhishan and Hainan Green Island Rainforest Public Welfare Foundation.
  • 04-11
    On April 11, 2022, Hainan Green Island Tropical Rainforest Public Welfare Foundation, exclusively launched by Hainan National Park Research Institute, was officially registered.
  • 03-23
    On March 23, 2022, Hainan Green Island Tropical Rainforest Public Welfare Foundation (in preparatory phase) convened the first meeting of its first Council.