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海南国家公园研究院 海南绿岛热带雨林公益基金会依托单位注册申报公告

2022-12-30 752 source:

      Starting from 2022 onwards, Hainan Green Island Tropical Rainforest Public Welfare Foundation receives an annual allocation of CNY 40 million from Hainan provincial government for five consecutive years to fund research on protection of tropical rainforest and Hainan gibbon and other relevant fields. Any organization applying for this funding is required to make registration at Hainan Green Island Tropical Rainforest Public Welfare Foundation as supporting institution, and then submit applications to Hainan Institute of National Park for project funding. The following announcement is hereby made.

      Higher education institutions, scientific research institutions or any other public welfare institutions that have the independent legal person qualification and conducts fundamental research on biodiversity may make registration at Hainan Green Island Tropical Rainforest Public Welfare Foundation as supporting institutions, and sign an agreement to clarify relevant rights and obligations. Research projects should be applied for through a supporting institution. A supporting institution shall perform the following duties in terms of fund management:

      (1) Establishing and improving the rules and regulations that are compatible with fund management, inclusive of but not limited to project management, fund management and academic integrity;

      (2) Organizing applicants to apply for the subsides of research fund;

      (3) Examining the authenticity, completeness, compliance and legality of the materials submitted by applicants or project principals;

      (4) Providing the conditions for implementing the funded projects, and safeguarding the time for project principals and participants to implement funded projects;

      (5) Following up the implementation of funded projects, and supervising the use of funds;

      (6) Cooperating with the Forestry Department of Hainan Province,  the Science and Technology Department of Hainan Province and Hainan Green Island Tropical Rainforest Public Welfare Foundation to supervise, inspect and appraise the implementation of funded projects and use of funds;

      (7) Protecting the intellectual property of the research achievements of funded projects, supporting open access to research achievements, and promoting sharing and transformation of research achievements;

      (8) Investigating and handling any violations of academic integrity;

      (9) Undertaking other tasks entrusted by Hainan Green Island Tropical Rainforest Public Welfare Foundation.

      Any eligible applicant is required to fill out the registration form of supporting institution (Annex 1) , and submit photocopies of the Uniform Social Credit Code Certificate (with official seal) and the Legal Representative Certificate (with official seal) to The applicant will be informed about the review outcome of Hainan Green Island Tropical Rainforest Public Welfare Foundation.

   Annex 1: Registration Form of Supporting Institution


                                                                                                                                 Hainan Institute of National Park

                                                                              Hainan Green Island Tropical Rainforest Public Welfare Foundation

                                                                                                                                                         December 30, 2022