
Tender & Public Notice

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2023-03-19 229 source:


       It is hereby published for the information of the general public that based on the application of Hainan Institute of National Park, the third meeting of the first Council of Hainan Green Island Tropical Rainforest Public Welfare Foundation, after deliberate review, decided to approve granting funds for two projects, including "Research on Carbon Sink Mechanism and Value Realization Paths of Hainan Tropical Rainforest Ecosystem" undertaken by Academician HE Kebin from the Institute for Carbon Neutrality of Tsinghua University, and "Research on Water Ecological Value and Restoration Potential of Hainan Tropical Rainforest" undertaken by Academician YANG Zhifeng from the School of Environment of Beijing Normal University. 

      This public notice lasts during March 19-23, 2023. The dissent, if any, should be submitted to in written form and with a real name (in case of individuals) or with an official seal (in case of organizations).



Hainan Insitute of National Park Research

Hainan Green Island Tropical Rainforest Public Welfare Fouwndation

March 19,2023